5 People who Found MEGA SUCCESS Despite Their Mistakes + Failures

5 People who Found MEGA SUCCESS Despite Their Mistakes + Failures

Made any mistakes lately? Well, you’re not alone. The real question, however, is what did you do about your mistake?

Bob Ross, the PBS painting instructor in the 1970’s was famous for saying that there are no mistakes, just happy accidents. The way you see “mistakes” will play a huge role in your pathway to health, wealth, and happiness.

If your mistake sends you into a negative spiral, you’re missing the opportunities that all mistakes present. Those opportunities can include new ideas, ways to revise current ideas, and a good solid education.

See mistakes as opportunities and you’ll join the following group of amazing successes:

  1. John Pemberton was making medicine when he accidentally mixed in carbonated water and after tasting it knew he had something else. What was that something else? Coca Cola.
  1. Spencer Silverman was asked by his employer, 3M, to create a super strong adhesive. He tried, but ended up with an adhesive that stuck things together, but could easily be taken apart again. Rather than discard this version, he set it aside and four years later a colleague asked to use it to hold markers in a book. The idea worked and grew. That invention: The Post-It note we all know and love.
  1. Richard Jones, a naval engineer, was trying to invent a meter designed to monitor power on naval battleships. While he was working a spring popped off and began bouncing around. Frustrating though it may have been, he took a lighthearted approach and thus the Slinky was born.
  1. Alexander Fleming thought he had failed to find the miracle drug he was trying desperately to discover. As he cleaned up his work area, however, he noticed that mold was preventing bacteria from spreading and thus penicillin was born.
  1. William Greatbach pulled out the wrong part and inserted it while he was trying to create a heart rhythm recording device.   He realized he had made an error, but rather than immediately discarding it, he took some time to look it over and brainstorm possibilities. From that brainstorming the modern pace-maker was born.

5 People who Found MEGA SUCCESS Despite Their Mistakes + Failures