Advice from TOMMY Archives - Tommy Runfola | Overcoming doubt to live a life you love

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  • Napoleon Hill’s Legacy: What it Means in 2017

    Napoleon Hill’s Legacy: What it Means in 2017

    Napoleon Hill is one of the best-selling self-help authors of all time. Hill lived his life confident that there was a way to accomplish anything, and despite many setbacks, devoted his life to proving this. If you have not read his book Think and Grow Rich, it is well worth the read. Published during the […]

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  • Growing Bigger than Your Doubt

    Growing Bigger than your Doubt, Tommy Runfola

    When doubt knocks us flat, it can seem like a giant that can’t be conquered. It can seem so big that the situation feels hopeless and totally beyond your control. But that’s the thing about doubt. It lies. It lies to us about our worthiness, our future, and our abilities. It also lies about how […]

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  • 10 Steps to Create a Wealth Mindset in Your Household

    10 Steps to Create a Wealth Mindset in Your Household

    Have you ever wondered why wealth just seems to naturally flow from one generation to another in some families? The reason is that a wealth mindset has been created and when children are raised in the mindset they reap the same financial benefits as their parents. BEGIN WITH YOURSELF It all begins in your mind […]

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  • Maximize the Last Ten Minutes of your Day and Supercharge Your Life: 4 Proactive Steps

    Maximize the Last Ten Minutes of your Day and Supercharge Your Life: 4 Proactive Steps

    During the last few moments of our day and the first few moments of our morning, our minds are in a state of total openness. Make the most of this very precious time by feeding your brain with positive thoughts that will open you up for success. This may be a bit challenging at first, […]

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  • Blast Self-Doubt Out of your Life Right Now!

    Blast Self-Doubt

    8 Solutions to Kill It FOREVER Overcome Self-Doubt with a WINNING Attitude Whether you realize it or not, self-doubt may be your biggest enemy. When you let fear and the weight of self-doubt impact your professional, personal and financial choices, your self-worth suffers just as much as your mental health. Stop self-doubt in its tracks […]

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  • Exercise Your Way to Increased Wealth: 6 Steps to Success

    Exercise Your Way to Increased Wealth 6 Steps to Success

    Ready to take your life and your bank account to the next level? Go for a run. Or you could work out at the gym, take your dog for a walk or do aerobics. EXERCISE & WEALTH We all know the obvious benefits of working out include a healthier body, but a study published in […]

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  • What Our Heroes Teach Us About Doubt

    Heroes, Beat Self Doubt, Confidence, Tommy Runfola

    Who’s your hero? What traits come to mind when you think of this person? Brave? Strong? Successful? What about doubt? The words “hero” and “doubt” are rarely paired up and with good reason. Doubt is not something that the people we admire allow to stand in their way. SELF-DOUBT AND HEROES Harry Houdini: during a […]

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  • 5 Steps to Effectively Use Role Models and Not Get Lost in Their Shadow

    5 Steps to Effectively Use Role Models and Not Get Lost in Their Shadow

    Roles Models are vital for keeping us motivated and for helping us to find our way in new territory, but it’s important to know how to really use them. It can be easy to get lost in their shadow and instead of being inspired, we end up intimidated. Instead of being empowered and taking action, […]

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  • Forgiveness: 8 Steps to Free Yourself for Success

    Forgiveness: 8 Steps to Free Yourself for Success

    Forgiveness may not seem like it fits with the idea of success and wealth management, but it does. Holding a grudge has been proven to negatively impact the human body and mind. It causes toxins to build up in our brains and spread throughout the rest of the body. If your mind and body are […]

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  • 5 People who Found MEGA SUCCESS Despite Their Mistakes + Failures

    5 People who Found MEGA SUCCESS Despite Their Mistakes + Failures

    Made any mistakes lately? Well, you’re not alone. The real question, however, is what did you do about your mistake? Bob Ross, the PBS painting instructor in the 1970’s was famous for saying that there are no mistakes, just happy accidents. The way you see “mistakes” will play a huge role in your pathway to […]

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