Motivation Archives - Tommy Runfola | Overcoming doubt to live a life you love

  • The Top 5 Personal Traits Of Today’s Highly Successful Business People

    The Top 5 Personal Traits Of Today's Highly Successful Business People

    Let’s be clear – not every business person is successful. As a matter of fact, many of them fail. For instance, did you know that about 80% of businesses are closed after their first year of operation? According to an article in This doesn’t mean that you should not get involved in an activity like […]

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  • Blast Self-Doubt Out of your Life Right Now!

    Blast Self-Doubt

    8 Solutions to Kill It FOREVER Overcome Self-Doubt with a WINNING Attitude Whether you realize it or not, self-doubt may be your biggest enemy. When you let fear and the weight of self-doubt impact your professional, personal and financial choices, your self-worth suffers just as much as your mental health. Stop self-doubt in its tracks […]

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  • 4 Ways to Overcome Self-doubt and Gain more Confidence

    confidence, overcome doubt, live happy, believe in myself, get back up after failure, never give up

    We’ve all heard cases of people suffering from self-doubt or a lack of confidence after they have faced a setback in life. The situation can be extremely disturbing. This happened to me multiple times throughout my life and I can say that it is difficult to get out of this phase.  It holds you back […]

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  • 5 Steps to Effectively Use Role Models and Not Get Lost in Their Shadow

    5 Steps to Effectively Use Role Models and Not Get Lost in Their Shadow

    Roles Models are vital for keeping us motivated and for helping us to find our way in new territory, but it’s important to know how to really use them. It can be easy to get lost in their shadow and instead of being inspired, we end up intimidated. Instead of being empowered and taking action, […]

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    Confidence, Success, Beat Self-Doubt, Tommy Runfola

    8 Ways Confidence Will Change You Forever! Your confidence level significantly impacts how you pursue your dreams, perform on the job and develop relationships in your personal life. If you find yourself facing a lack of confidence, it’s likely you are not on the path to success. See how boosting your confidence can boost your […]

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    Unmask Your Fears and Conquer Them

    7 SOLUTIONS TO OVERCOMING FEAR IMMEDIATELY AND START WINNING AT EVERYTHING! Show Fear and Anxiety That You are a FIGHTER Fear can be debilitating. Add in an anxiety attack and you may feel helpless and even terrified. Fear and anxiety combined can overtake your mind and your body, if you don’t face it. You’re a […]

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  • Demolish Self-Doubt and Win at Everything You Do

    Beat Self Doubt and Win

    6 SIMPLE STEPS TO GUIDE YOU TO VICTORY! People who are able to successfully bring about positive change in their lives are, not surprisingly, the ones who believe change is possible.  This belief is a fundamental prerequisite for gaining control over your life and your future.  When you believe change is possible, you make that […]

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  • You DESERVE to be HAPPY!

    Happiness, Beat Self Doubt

    7 Successful Tips to Gain Happiness RIGHT NOW + Keep it FOREVER How to Get Back Up and FIGHT for Your Happiness It’s likely you have listened to that nagging voice in the back of your head, telling you to rethink a decision or avoid taking risks. That little voice is self-doubt. Phrases such as […]

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  • How to Hire the RIGHT Startup Team for SUCCESS!

    How to Hire the RIGHT Startup Team for SUCCESS!

    The challenges of a startup varies at various levels. The challenges range from cash flows to family support to choosing the right investors when you are raising funds to just a simple one as to…”Hire the right set of people in your startup with the same passion.” You have a great idea. You have some […]

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  • Don’t Think You’ve ‘Got What It Takes’ to be a Huge Success?

    Don't Think You've 'Got What It Takes' to be a Huge Success?

    Not everyone’s path is the same in life. We were each given different talents and different challenges to overcome. Most of us were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths. But far too often people focus on what they DON’T have and what they WEREN’T given by the powers that be, instead of […]

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