Posted by Tommy Runfola | June 27, 2017
The Top 5 Personal Traits Of Today’s Highly Successful Business People
Let’s be clear – not every business person is successful. As a matter of fact, many of them fail. For instance, did you know that about 80% of businesses are closed after their first year of operation? According to an article in This doesn’t mean that you should not get involved in an activity like this because smart and successful business people know that it is possible to earn money, get satisfaction and enjoy your work as a successful business person. So, in case you are planning on becoming a successful business person you should analyze the personal traits of the most successful individuals in this field. In order to save you some time, we have created a list of 5 personal traits that these people have.
1. Honesty
A successful business person treats everyone with respect – from their new customers to their business partners. Honesty helps them develop a good name not only for themselves but also for their business. This is how many business owners are establishing their brands. Big businesses rely on PR campaigns, but small business owners can use their honesty to get respect from their customers, clients, employees and business partners.
2. Creativity
Did you know that the small business administration ( States there are over 28 million small businesses in the USA? This number is important because it means that business persons today have a difficult task to make their business stand out from the crowd. One of the ways to do this is to unleash your creativity. Successful business persons are using their creativity when they are selecting the industry where they want to put their focus on, but this activity doesn’t stop here. If you want to remain successful you will have to use creativity in promoting products/services, developing new offers and in many other aspects of business operations.
3. Leadership
A successful business person is inspiring and motivating people. In addition, as a great leader, he or she can understand the concerns and needs of the people that are in this together with them. A successful business person will never act as some sort of master. They are listening to the suggestions provided by others, analyze these suggestions carefully and implement the suggestions that are worth trying.
4. Persistence
Truth be told, conducting business activities is not a smooth sail. There are situations when people can make mistakes and witness failures even though they have made good plans. But, what makes successful business persons different is their ability to learn from these mistakes. They are persistent and they will get up on their feet even after big failures.
5. Energy
Finally, a good business person is energetic. He (or she) is working for the business determinedly without taking long breaks. They are used to spending long hours at work and don’t mind checking numbers and making new deals. At the same time, they are able to transfer this energy to their employees and everyone around them.
If you want to become a successful business person, try to develop some (or all) of these traits.
There you have it friends. When you study the traits of othere people who are where you want to be you can mirror those charactistics and get there much faster. Start slow but start today!
Check out my new book “The Way Of The Rich” to learn even more tactics to becoming rich and succesful.
Click here to view: Get The Way Of The Rich Book
Remember “Doubt only wins if you let it”
See you next time.